Thursday, March 7, 2013


If I could change schools I would make them have a little more freedom for kids. I think that schools are good right now and are effective in giving a proper education for kids, but there are some things that I would change to try to make kids enjoy learning more than they do now. I would try to make schools offer more freedom to kids, change how students are graded, and have more hands on activities for kids.

                I think that kids should be able to take whatever classes they want and not be required to take any specific class that doesn’t relate to what they want to do when they are older. If someone wanted to be a writer when they are older, they shouldn’t have to take calculus or geometry. If someone wanted to do something with math they shouldn’t have to take four years of language arts in high school. Kids should have more freedom in picking classes, because it could help them focus on what their career is going to be when they are older and it could also help kids enjoy school more.

                I believe there should also be more hands on learning activities in school. This would include things like field trips to different places people could work when they are older and it would help kids decide what they want to do when they are older. Hands on activities would make it easier and more fun for kids to learn and I think it would make students have more motives to learn.

                I would also want to change how kids are graded. Instead of getting a grade based mostly off of test, it should be based more on a kid’s effort.  Grades should be waited more on how much homework they do and how often they are paying attention in class. Some kids are naturally very smart and they don’t have to pay attention in class or do their homework to get an A, so teachers should try to base their grades on effort rather than grades depending only on how well students do on tests.

                I do think that schools do a good job educating kids and I don’t think it is possible to make schools perfect.  Offering more freedom, changing how kids are graded and doing more hands on learning activities in school, might make kids enjoy learning more and try harder in school. If I could change schools, I would try to make students want to learn more.






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