Thursday, April 4, 2013

Being Fat

In class we have been talking a lot about being fat. Eating healthy is something that I am constantly trying to do (unless it’s the week after cross country or track ends, which I call my fat week). It has really been bothering me that there are so many people who are too concerned about their weight and then try to lose weight in unhealthy ways. People are too obsessed with looking skinny, rather than being healthy.

Everyone has an ideal weight that they are supposed to be and not everyone is supposed to weigh 110 pounds and look like a skinny anorexic model. Some people have faster metabolisms and smaller bone structures and are, therefore supposed to weigh less than someone who is not built like that. People are always complaining about their weight and comparing themselves to people they see in magazines, but being that skinny can be extremely unhealthy. My sister is constantly whining about how she weighs more than me. She thinks she is fat, because she is a whole 10 pounds heavier than her older sister, but she also happens to be 2 inches taller and extremely thin. I am constantly trying to explain to her how she isn’t fat, but she, like many others, focus way too much on the numbers on the scale.

To be healthy, you need to exercise and eat healthy. I am completely against any diet that makes you miss meals or even eat fewer calories. It’s not about how many calories you eat a day, but what kind of calories you are eating. For example, eating 300 calories of vegetables is not only healthier, but also is a lot easier to burn than if you ate 300 calories of doughnuts. There are some exceptions; no one should be eating 5000 calories a day unless they are really trying to gain weight, but no one should be eating less than the recommended amount of calories for them. It is super unhealthy to not eat enough food and not eating enough will leave you exhausted, and then you will not get proper exercise. Stop reading the calorie count and start reading the ingredient list, and I can guarantee it will make you a lot healthier.

Being overweight is okay as long as you are healthy. Stop looking at the numbers on the scale and the calories in the food and start paying attention to what is in the food and how much exercise you are getting.


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