Thursday, May 2, 2013

Drake Relays Experience

It’s been a week since I ran at Drake and I already miss it. I didn’t run that well, but Drake was an awesome experience.

We left Thursday morning and I the 3000 ran Thursday at 4:10. It was a really nice day so I was hoping to run really good and PR. Unfortunately shortly after the race started my head was pounding from the heat and my legs were really tired. I ended up running 10:38 and got 17th place. I would be happy with my time if it was a normal meet, but I was really hoping for a PR, since Drake is supposed to be a really fast Track.

The good thing about only running the first day is that you can just relax and have fun for the rest of Drake! I got to stay up later and eat probably too much bad food. During the trip I had a corndog, 2 giant ice cream cones, a lot of cookies, and a bunch of candy. So much for trying to eat healthy during Track season.

The best thing about Drake was seeing the Olympic runners and jumpers. I got to see an Olympic pole-vaulter beat a record and a person interviewing Lolo Jones about 20 meters away from me. The most exciting thing I got to see was Jenny Simpson break a record in the 1500 meter run and then she ran around the stadium. I got a high five from her and Katie got an autograph. On Friday night, they also set of fireworks around the Track. The crowd had so much energy and it was an awesome experience.

Jenny simpson at drake :)

I also learned and saw a lot of surprising things at Drake. I didn’t realize that Drake Relays are a huge drinking event. There were a lot of people with Tee-shirts saying things like “Drake Relays Drinking Team,” and we went on a run around town Friday night and a lot of people were partying and drunk. I also learned that Drake is located in not the best part of town. We saw a lot of creepy people, including guy in striped pajamas carrying a banjo and clearly on drugs and a guy lying on his side under a tree, licking his lips as we ran by. I was scared!

Drake was an awesome experience and I am so glad I got to go! I really hope I will get to go next year and hopefully I will run better!


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