Thursday, December 6, 2012

How do they do it?

“Run forest, run.” One of the most famous lines in a very famous movie is this line that Jennie yelled at Forest Gump whenever he was in trouble. Forest ends up running all the way across the United States at one point in the movie and I know that it is just a movie, but some very impressive people make me wonder whether that is really possible. I have heard of people running so many miles, that it seem extremely impossible to me.

Over the summer I went to Wartburg Cross Country camp where some very interesting runners came to talk to us. They ran the marathon in the Olympic Trials a few years back and placed 8th and 9th. I am already extremely impressed by marathoners, it seems impossible to me to run 24 miles nonstop. The longest I have ever ran was 13 miles and by the end I was completely starving, almost falling asleep, and I was running out of things to think and talk about. And if running a marathon isn’t enough, these girls were running at under a 6 minute pace!!!! My pace for 2.5 miles in the state cross country meet was 5:45, how could they run just slightly slower than that for 23.5 miles more! Marathoners are extremely impressive, running 26 miles seems impossible to me.

Another extremely impressive race is one that a leader at my friends’ church ran in. He said that it was a 24 hour race, where there was a 10 mile lap and whoever could complete the most laps won. He ended up finishing 23 and he ran 6 full laps!!!!! How could at least 23 people run 60 or more miles in one day!!!! How could your body take that? How could you even walk 60 miles in one day? It seems so ridiculously hard that I didn’t even believe him at first, I just don’t understand how people could run so much in one day.

There are a lot of extremely impressive people out there who can run unbelievably long distances in a crazy amount of time. It is extremely impressive and almost inspires me. Who knows maybe I will be a marathoner or run a 24 hour race in the future and accomplish what seems impossible to me right now.

Words 386

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