Sunday, December 2, 2012

Staying in Shape for the Holidays

There is about three weeks until Christmas break, which means three weeks until fun, family, stomachaches from eating too much and guilt from realizing how out of shape you are getting. It is hard for everyone to exercise during break and after taking a couple weeks off from working out you pretty much lose all of the hard work you have done and have to start over with your training. There are still ways that you can keep in shape through the holiday season, but it won’t be easy.

          A great way to keep in shape is to watch what you are eating during specific times. It’s almost impossible to limit what you eat when you’re at a relative’s house and there is a dessert table, filled with mouthwatering treats that you only get on special occasions. You can still eat all of those delicious desserts, but if you can try to limit the portions you eat and the amount you eat at one time. Make sure you save the desserts and the unhealthy foods for the parties though, just because its Christmas break doesn’t mean you can go crazy and eat a Christmas feast on December 21st. Make sure you keep those cookies locked up and out of reach until it is actually Christmas.

          YOU STILL NEED TO WORKOUT. Almost everyone says that they plan to work out over the break, but when the time comes you don’t feel like it or you’re too busy and after a week of saying this you are  already out of shape. Plan to work out at a specific time every day and make sure you do it. It is very helpful to have a friend to work out with, because you can’t just ditch your friends because you don’t want to work out. It also helps to work out in the morning, so you can just get it out of the way and it won’t interfere with your plans for the day. It can be hard to work out during the holidays, but if you really try to exercise, you will be thankful you did.

          Staying healthy and in shape over the holiday break can be extremely difficult. We often make excuses for why we can’t exercise and cave in to unhealthy food, but if you try really hard, eat healthy while you’re not at parties, and make time to work out, you can stay in shape for the holiday’s.


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