Sunday, February 10, 2013


Core is a really important part of running, and it happens to be one of my weaknesses when it comes to running. After the State cross country meet, my arms and my abs were sore. My legs didn’t hurt at all, but I couldn’t move my arms to hug anyone or laugh without grabbing my belly and screeching in pain. So I decided I need to start working on getting stronger arms and abs. It is really hard for me to do ab work outs and about 99% of the time I actually start a work out, I end up quitting in the middle of the workout.

Normally when I want to do ab workouts, I do either Julian Michaels (sorry if I didn’t spell that right) or Kettlebell core workout. I really like the kettlebell workout, but I get tired of doing the same one over again. I really just need a good video to do that is fast, effective, and not confusing. Some of the moves on the videos are too hard to do and it gives me an excuse to stop working out. I think I am also really bad at a lot of the moves, because a lot of times my neck is left sore and I don’t even move my neck! It’s really quite confusing.

Although I am not a huge fan of ab workouts and I have a hard time completing them, I am actually working my abs a lot more than I used to do. My stomach is a lot flatter than it normally is, especially for being winter.  Ab workouts are also continuing to get a little easier to do. I am going to try to do more ab workouts and I am going to try to find good ab workouts to do.  


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