Sunday, February 10, 2013

Books :)

About a month ago I read a really good book called, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I was originally assigned this book for Biology and for whatever reason, I have a hard time reading books that I have been assigned to read, but I was pleasantly surprised with this book.

The Immortal Life of Hennrietta Lacks is about a woman who died of cervical cancer, but before she died doctors took cells from her tumor and those cells never died. They were used for many things, including a polio vaccine. However, neither Henrietta nor her family knew these cells were even taken. This really upsets Henrietta’s family. The book was very intriguing and it was hard to put down. Not only did it contain interesting, scientific information, but it was also a really good story. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone, especially people with an interest in Biology.

Currently I am reading Let’s Pretend This Never Happened. I had heard that it was a good book and I had a gift card to Barnes and Nobel, so I decided to buy it. Unfortunately the gift card did not have nearly as much money on it as I thought and I had to pay more money than I ever had on a book before. Because of this I considered returning it multiple times, but I am so glad I didn’t! I am almost done with it and so far it is amazing. It is a memoir by Jenny Lawson and it is extremely hilarious. I literally laugh out loud whenever I read this book. It is by far the funniest book that I have ever read. Jenny tells her life, starting with her childhood, where her dad brought home random animals to when she is older and trying to fit in. Here is a random quote from Jenny in her book, “I picked up the phone to call the police, but then I considered how it would sound when I told them that I was calling from inside my bathroom, where I’d OD’ed on laxatives, and that a possible rapist was quietly passing me notes under the bathroom door.” Like many other chapters, I could not stop laughing in this chapter. I recommend this book to everyone, except people who are easily offended and can’t stand the use of swear words. This book is sooooooo funny! I really can’t even make this book sound half as entertaining as it is, so you should really go read it!


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