Thursday, February 7, 2013


Track is starting on Monday! For some reason during cross country and track, I just can’t stop eating. I have to eat almost every hour and I just never get full. That’s one of the best things about track, but my house never has any food, so a lot of times it sucks. I always forget to make a grocery list for my mom so I end up eating random healthy, but unappetizing food, such as chia seeds mixed in coconut milk, which is what I had the pleasure of eating this morning. There are a lot of different foods that I like to eat as snacks during the track season.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! I try to eat especially good breakfast during Track season. It is important to eat at least 3 different food groups in the morning. I might start my day off with eggs, toast, and orange juice, or oatmeal (which I put protein powder in, because it not only makes you fuller, but also tastes really good) and yogurt with fruit in it. There are a lot of different breakfasts that I eat during track, but I always make sure I have at least three food groups.

Unfortunately, school doesn’t feed you after every hour, so I have to bring my own snacks to school. Normally during track and cross country I bring anywhere from 3 to 4 snacks each day. I always bring at least one granola bar. I bring either Chewy granola bars, Kashi cherry dark chocolate, or Cliff Bars (a lot of times I bring the kids ones, because they are better than the adult ones). I also like to bring fruit snacks, Chex mix, and pretzels. I always want to bring fruit, but fruit is really hard to bring to school. I have no place to put it, because my backpack will smooch it and sometimes it is really awkward to eat it in class, so I normally stick to foods that come in wrappers. It can be really hard to bring all this food to school, but it is definitely worth it.

After I get home from track practice, I need protein. So I will either eat chocolate protein shakes, which I buy from Melaleuca, a smoothie with vanilla protein powder that I get from Hy-Vee, or apple slices dipped in peanut butter. These are all healthy options for snacks that I eat after Track. I really like to make smoothies, but a lot of times I am too lazy to make one, so it’s nice to have other options for snacks with a lot of protein. They are not too filling and I am still hungry by dinner.

Around 8:00 I start to get hungry and head to the kitchen to try to find something edible. For some reason I either crave ice cream or breakfast food at this time. Sometimes I make egg in the middles, egg sandwiches, or toast. It’s really hard to find food to eat at night, and I haven’t really come up with any good snacks to eat at night.


I think I just made a grocery list!


Ps. This is what Chia seeds in coconut milk look like:



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