Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Weekend

Practice on Friday sucked. I am sadly getting shin splints, so when our coach said if you have shin splints run your hour and fifteen minutes around the park down the street from our school, my running group and I decided that’s what we should probably do. Unfortunately, things went downhill around 40 minutes into our run as I found myself having difficult time breathing. I think I must have run into something that I was highly allergic to. I had to turn around and walk back. I didn’t even feel like eating a popsicle (our team has popsicle Fridays, where someone brings popsicles every Friday) and my sister had to drive home.

That night my cross country team had a bonfire! It was a lot of fun! My team has been trying to do more “team bonding” things, because our team is made up of some pretty awesome people, so we decided to have a bonfire. We made smoothies out of about 60 left over bananas from the meet on Thursday, talked, and did some dancing and singing. I ended up sleeping over and then we all had to get up early to go to Saturday practice.

Saturday practice always sucks. We go to a park where we run “5 miles” up a “hill”, which doesn’t sound too bad until you find out its definitely over 5 miles and the hill is more like a mountain. I don’t even understand how there is that big of a hill in Iowa, maybe it just seems bigger when you are running on it, but I am thinking it could be considered a mountain. So we went to practice and it was freezing out. I had on a sweatshirt, running tights, and earmuffs. I was still freezing and even during the run I was cold. Somehow, even though I was cold, I was still sweating. This really annoys me.

After the dreaded Saturday practice was finished, a lot of cross country girls and me met at the farmers market. It was the last downtown farmers market of the year, so I really wanted to go. I have only been there one other time this year and that was when I ran there. Last year when I never ran on Saturday morning’s I went to almost every farmers market. So we all headed downtown dressed in oversized sweatshirts and running tights, and probably not smelling the best. After what seemed like 20 minutes I finally found a parking spot and then enjoyed walking around with part of my cross country team, while people probably gave us weird looks, considering we didn’t look very lovely after our run.

After the farmers market I had a haircut and then went to an Iowa State game. Saturday practices take a lot of energy; so unfortunately, I was really tired during the game.

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