Sunday, September 23, 2012

Runners High

After the meet on Thursday, I experienced runners high more then I normally do. New York Times explains how endorphins are released after exercise, which gives you the feeling of runners high. I am not really sure how to explain this feeling, but it’s something I have experienced multiple times. I just get really happy and energetic and I experienced this to a greater degree on Thursday.

I think it might have been because I ran so well, but I didn’t even break my all-time PR so I am not really sure why I was so happy, but I just wanted to dance and sing and laugh. This could also be because for some reason I get a lot of energy at night (yes, I do spend countless nights having dance parties by myself, in which my sisters make fun of me).  

So I had all this energy and so did a lot of other people, and we had over an hour long bus ride. Let’s just say I am pretty sure that bus driver will not be driving around the Kennedy girls cross country team anymore, but it was sooooooo much fun and definitely the best bus ride I have been on.

After we got off the bus, several members from the team headed over to Parlor City to enjoy some ice cream (which is probably my favorite thing to eat). We had a lot of fun! One of the cross country boys asked me to go to homecoming, which reminds me I should probably go dress shopping soon since there’s only like 6 days until homecoming :/ and some of the boys also decided to play leap frog across the street and we ran out of songs to sing, so it was a very interesting night. One of the nights that remind me why I run.

The next morning a couple people told me that I was actually acting high though, but I guess that’s what I get for running so well ;)

I am soooooo glad I have such a fun team this year!

  I wonder if all runners experience a runners high like I do. I would assume it’s different for everyone, but since I can’t exactly explain the feeling that running gives me, it’s a little hard to compare to what other people feel.

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