Thursday, September 20, 2012

Page 3B in the gazette

A couple of days ago my team and me were interviewed for the newspaper and this morning the newspaper article was published.

This was the third time I have been interviewed for the newspaper and it still excites me so much.  I cut out every single article in the newspaper that I am mentioned in (normally it just has my name and the place I got) and put it in a box. Someday I want to refurnish a table top with all the newspaper articles from cross country and track.

The article is about my three teammates and me, who run close to the same time in every meet. We have been taking turns leading the team to our four.

Our coach talks about each one of us separately in the article, which is kind of interesting. I thought it was funny how the one thing he said about me was that I don’t worry. I think that that’s probably not true. I do worry I just normally worry more before the meet than right before the actual race.

The last time I was in the newspaper, teachers, neighbors, old coaches, and my family all sent me copies of the article along with a note of congratulations, which I thought was really nice and I appreciated it a lot.

Tonight we have a meet at Dubuque. I am really hoping we win this meet too, but I know Linn-Mar is going be hard to beat, since we kicked them to a 4th place ranking in state, and we normally are ranked about ten spots behind them.

I am guessing Lauren might lead this race if she is having a good day, because Dubuque tends to be a little hilly and I don’t think hills really bother Lauren. I am really hoping to get a season PR tonight and I am hoping my shin splints don’t bother me tonight.

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