Sunday, October 21, 2012

District Champions!!!!!

Officially the first Kennedy Cross Country team to win a State qualifying meat!!!! This was my team’s major goal this year and we accomplished it on Thursday, beating Iowa City by four points! It was a hard meet, but a big accomplishment.
It was freezing cold at the meet!!! I normally never wear under armor or running tights during a race, but I did on Thursday. My coach was not so sure about us wearing tights, because they slow you down, but we did anyway. I’m not sure if the weather caused me to do bad or what, but I had a horrible time and not that great of a place. An Iowa City girl passed me at the four hundred yard mark, which really pissed me off. I tried really hard to stay with her, but for some reason my legs just did not want to move fast enough. Then our fifth runner finished right behind their fifth runner and I started panicking. Our main goal this year was to win the district meet and get a banner and if we lost by a couple points it would be my fault for not passing that Iowa City girl.

Our team has been desperate for a banner. We have worked so hard and we make it to state, but we have nothing to show for it. Banners are a pretty big deal for us. At the assembly, we present the banner in front of the student body. So we really wanted that banner and when I found out we won it I almost exploded with excitement. I was screaming and jumping and hugging and I probably looked a little crazy. My coach told us to look like we have won a meet before, but we were just so overwhelmed with joy that it was a little hard to do that. We finally accomplished our goal.

My excitement died out just a little bit when I found out that girls only get banners for winning their district and boys get banners for placing in the top three for their district in Iowa. I think this is completely unfair and I plan to confront the president of IGHSAU about this after state. Our team has qualified for state for the last two years, but because we didn’t win our district we didn’t get a banner to present during the assembly? It just makes no sense to me.

Now we won our Conference, we won Districts, but can we do well at State? We really want to place in the top three and get a trophy and I cannot even begin to express how much I want to place in the top ten and get the school record back at State!!! I haven’t PR’d yet this season and I really need to! I am not sure if I would be able to live with myself if I don’t improve by a lot from last year! So much pressure is on my team and I and I really hope everything turns out all right.



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