Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mental Aspect of a Race

The mental aspect of a race is very important. If you think you can do it you probably can, but if you doubt yourself you probably won't be able to achieve your goals.

During a race it is important to look up and focus on passing or keeping up with the people around you. You have to keep positive and think about how if you just try a little harder you could get a new PR (personal record) or you could place a little better. For some people it helps to keep track of how much of the race you have left. It also helps if you think about the race before the race so you know what to expect and you don’t get as nervous.

Unfortunately, like many other people, I have a hard time achieving positivity during races.

What I think about during the race:

(We’re lining up) Crap I am not ready I don’t want to do this. Wait, no I am ready for this I am going to do awesome. Shit, he just shot the gun, now I have to start.

Stay with Katy! Why am I breathing so much harder than everyone else? That girl just gave me a nasty glare! Tree. Uuuuhhhhh, this is hard, there I can trip over that root if I need to. I can say that girl with the nasty glare tripped me, and I need to stop. No, Jensen would kill me. Tree. Turn left. Turn Right. Hi dad thanks for cheering for me! Tree. There’s Megan. She’s not even cheering! I am going to have to talk to her… tree. Turn left.  

(Coming close to the end) Oh were almost done, that went by fast! I think I am going to pass this person. Yay, I passed them. Only a hundred yards until I finish and get a sandwichJ.

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