Sunday, October 28, 2012

State (part 1)

Warming up started to make my nerves turn to excitement. I couldn’t wait to race and I couldn’t wait to PR. For some reason I was then overwhelmed with confidence and I knew I was going to run a good race. We finished running our warm up and headed back to the van to stretch and do skips. Unfortunately, we must have been running behind schedule so we didn’t have much time to stretch. This was a little concerning to me, but I just told myself it didn’t matter, because I was going to do good anyway.

We walked to the starting line and started doing build ups, when we noticed one of our runners was wearing a bright blue sports bra. We didn’t know if she would get disqualified or not so she hurried to the port a potty’s to switch sports bras with one of the alternates. They budged in front of the boys and then came out of them to switch bras. One of the boys said “I don’t think were supposed to see this,” and they all turned around which I thought was funny.

Because, one of our runners was switching bras, we couldn’t really do our tradition of a spike circle after buildups, so we just had to do a 10 second spike circle at the starting line. The announcer told us to take our sweats off and line up at the line. The starting of races is always the scariest for me and today everyone would be starting faster and the crowd cheering would be even louder. I tried not to focus on anything. I closed my eyes and focused on breathing.

 Then, well I can’t remember the exact words, but the announcer said something and the gun went off.

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