Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thank God for running!

One thing that is so great about running is that you do not have to be that coordinated.

The other day in US History, we were playing this weird jeopardy game where you had to shoot a ball into a trash can. Well, unfortunately, I can’t catch or throw a ball to save my life. So when the teacher threw the ball right at me and hit me in the stomach, before falling to the ground, let’s just say there were some laughs. Then I chose to throw the ball from around the 4 foot mark and missed by a lot. Again there were more laughs. Oh, why am I so awkward?

The good news is that I am a runner. It would be a lot worse if that happened to a basketball player (that actually did happen to me when I played basketball, and it was even more embarrassing).  So I am hoping no one judges me too much, since everyone knows I am a runner.

One of the reasons I became a runner was because I could not catch or throw a ball. I used to play basketball, but I mostly just sat on the bench, and I used to play softball, but I was that weird kid who sat in the outfield and didn’t even move when a ball came near.

So I decided I probably was not going to go far with basketball and softball and I wanted to be good at something. I wanted people to remember me for something other than being that girl who tried out for everything, but wasn’t good at anything (I also tried gymnastics and I danced for 12 years, even though I sucked).  I couldn’t sing, I couldn’t do any sport that involved a ball, and I wasn’t extremely smart. So that left me with art, swimming and running. I chose running, mostly because my dad also did track and I did track in 7th grade, but now I decided I am actually going to try at track and I wanted to be good at it, so I went out for cross country to get into shape. That started my running career.

I really don’t know what my life would be like without cross country, but I am thankful for being that awkward girl who can’t catch a ball from 2 feet away, because that led me to running. Thank god you don’t need to be that coordinated to run!!!

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