Sunday, January 20, 2013

College and Careers

It is time to sign up for classes for next year and lately everyone has been asking me what I want to do when I am older. They ask me what college I want to go to and what career I want to persue. My parents have been pushing me to look into schools and scholarships, but I don’t even have a clue where to start.

Some kids know what they want to do there whole life and other kids like me have a hard time decieding what they want to do. I know someone who has always wanted to become a doctor. I wish that it was like that for me, but instead I have to face those awkward moments when family, teachers, and random adults that somehow know my parents ask what I want to do when I am older and I just kinda stare at them for a while and then shrug my shoulders. I am making progress though and I have recently decided that I really likie biology so I might do something in the biology/medical field.

I wish that I could just run. That’s really all I want to do when I grow up. I know these to marathon runners who went to the olympic trials and get paid for running. People fly them down to a race, pay for there hotel and food and then pay them hundreds of dollars just for running in the race! My absolute, ultimate, pretty much impossible dream would be to run in the olympics and then get sponsered by Nike, but unfortunately that’s not very likely.

Picking a college and a career is hard. In the end I will probably pick a school with a good running program and that I can get a scholarship from and then I might transfer to a school that specilizes in the career that I will hopefully have decided that I want to do when I graduate college.


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