Wednesday, January 30, 2013

MaKiNg RuNnInG MoRe FuN

You know those runs that you have where you just never want to stop running? I was very excited to finally have one of those runs. It feels like forever since I have actually pushed through all the miles that I had planned on running that day and actually didn’t want to stop running. Yesterday it was about 40 degrees and I had planned on running 4 miles, but after those 4 miles were up, I wanted to run more. I kept on running until I had run about 6 miles and it was starting to get dark out (considering the fact that I was wearing black and the drivers are crazy in my neighborhood I thought it was best to turn back).  I wish I could have more days like that, but lately it’s been so cold that I have been forced to run at the gym. Today I couldn’t even run, because the roads were too slippery to run or drive on, which means no matter what I need to run every day for the rest of the week. Although I am still having unenjoyable (apparently that’s not a word according to spell check but it really should be so I am keeping it there) runs every once and a while, my runs are getting a little better. Here are some things that make running more fun for me.

 Running with a friend always makes running easier. My sister has been running with me a lot and not complaining nearly as much. A lot of times she will end up turning around early, but even having her there for a few miles is a great help. One of my really good friends have also been running a lot with me lately, which is really good because she runs a lot further than my sister does. It is SOOO much easier to run with someone else. Occasionally there will be days that I like to run by myself, but most of the time I get extremely bored and lonely. I think I am a very dependent person, because I just really don’t like to be alone, but I think that most people can agree that running with someone else is a lot easier.

Other things that I think make running a lot easier is distracting myself with music or basketball games at the gym. I have started to bring my iPod to the gym with me and a lot of times there are also basketball games playing. Sometimes I get hooked into the game (even though most of the time I can’t read the T.V. to actually find out who the teams are) and it is a very nice distraction from the miserable treadmill. Music is also really helpful, but you have to make sure you don’t change your pace to match the beat of the music. You will either hit the front of the treadmill and it will make a really loud noise that causes everyone around you to give you a judgmental glare or you will slow done and almost fall off of the treadmill (learned both of those the hard way). Music and T.V. are a really good way to make treadmill runs a little better.

Mix it up. Don’t run 5 miles on the same path, at the same pace, every single day. It will suck. Try running different paths and go off of time if you don’t know how far you have run. It is also helpful to change pace. Occasionally I will run my second to last mile at tempo pace and my last mile a little slower. Sometimes I will run hills or 400 sprints, which also help. Either way, changing what you run can make running a lot more fun.


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