Thursday, January 10, 2013


I have probably run almost 1000 miles on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. The trail runs all the way from Hiawatha to downtown Cedar Rapids. Scenery on the trail includes some trees along the trail, a creek, and a small polluted lake that we run around on the long days. After running on that trail for almost 1000 miles I have seen quite a bit of interesting things.

                First of all, I think I have seen more drug deals then a teenager who doesn’t do drugs should ever see. Seriously is it really a good idea to deal drugs as a bunch of runners and bikers pass by? Sometimes they deal drugs right on the trail, a guy hands some guy some money and receives a white bag, we run by them and almost choke on their strong smoke sent. Other times they do it more in the trees, they leave their bikes on the trail and you look over and see a couple men in the trees whispering and passing things back and forth.  

                Although the trail doesn’t seem like a place an animal would want to live, I have seen A LOT of animals on the trail. On Saturday mornings the trail has so many rabbits that once I almost stepped on one who decided to cross the trail at the wrong time. On morning I saw a beaver swimming in the creek and I have also seen a lot of other animals, such as snakes (mostly small snakes ran over by bikes). In the fall and summer (and for some reason this winter too) the trail surrounding the polluted lake is covered with geese and these geese are mean! They think they own the trail or something. I am slightly scared of them and have had to try multiple methods to avoid getting attacked. First I try to scream at them and make them run away, but sometimes they just hiss at you and don’t even flinch. Next if there are any bikers around I try to pass through the geese herd with them. One time I literally ran right in between two bikers who were talking and gave me the death glare the whole time, but at least I passed the vicious geese without getting attacked. If there are no bikers, and the geese won’t move I am normally forced to run right through the geese yelling and acting like a crazy maniac as I try to avoid the monstrous geese. There are many animals on the trail that make my runs a little bit more interesting.

                There are also a lot of homeless people on the trail. There is a bridge that we call the Hobo Bridge where there are always a lot of sleeping bags and large cups and in the summer there are homeless people up there too. I once saw a homeless person meditating on the train tracks with his sleeping bag and large cup sitting next to him. There was also a bed of sheets and blankets laying on the trail once and our coach said would give us 5$ for laying on it, but no one dared to take his offer.

                My coach normally rides his bike while we run on the trail and decided to grow a beard his year, so he looked really creepy. One time a lady started biking right next to us. We were really confused and then she turned to us and quietly said “do you guys know that man behind you,” we didn’t really know what she was talking about so she repeated in a louder voice, “do you guys know that man that is following you,” we all started laughing and told her he was our coach.

                We have had some very interesting times on the trail and seen some very interesting things. Although sometimes it can be a little scary it’s a lot of fun.


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