Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tree nut allergies= disability?

Tree nuts are pretty much every nut other than peanuts (which are technically not even nuts). When I was really little I ate something with nuts in it and my mouth started to feel funny, my mom took me to the doctor and I learned that I was allergic to tree nuts. Ever since my allergy to tree nuts has gotten worse, even putting me in the hospital the last time I ate them. Sometimes it is hard to deal with being allergic to nuts and there are surprisingly a lot of foods I can’t eat, but I don’t consider my allergy a big problem in my life. Most people don’t even know I am allergic to nuts and I never really think of my allergy as a disability, but two weeks ago the Iowa Appeals court ruled that anyone with a nut allergy is protected under the disability act.

It all started with children not being accepted into care centers, because of their nut allergies. Shannon Knudsen sued Tiger Tots Community Child Care Center in Madrid, Iowa, in May 2011, for not accepting her child into the care center, because of her child’s allergies. The district court ruled that the Iowa Civil Rights Act does not apply to her child, the court was then appealed and it was ruled that her child was protected by Americans With Disabilities Act.

Tree nut allergies have been on the rise and it is estimated that 1.8 million Americans have a tree nut allergy according to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN). Tree nut allergies are one of the most serious allergies and are among the leading cause of fatal food reactions (FAAN). There is a large increase in people with tree nut allergies and these allergies can be very serious.

Having allergies can make life more difficult and sometimes there are things that people with allergies can’t do. People with food allergies, such as tree nuts, are constantly watching what they eat and avoiding that food as much as possible. I am guessing there will be more courts around the state and country that have to make the decision on what should be counted as a disability. Dealing with tree nut allergies can be hard, but I wouldn’t consider it a disability as the court had ruled.


“Court: Disabilities Act Covers Severe Allergies." USA Today. Gannett, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2013

Tree Nuts." Tree Nut Allergy Facts, Symptoms. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2013.



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